Normally, there are two types of site conversions; the revenue conversion and the rain check conversion. Revenue conversion is taken by the site owner to turn visitors gathered into clients or customers, while Rain check conversion is a combination of techniques used by the site owners, more so, through e-marketing, to facilitate a future revenue conversion strategy.
Rain check conversion involves membership sign-ups, email listing, newsletter opt-ins, catalogue requests, and so on. However, not all rain check activities may be aiming at revenue conversion. Some sites will do member sign-ups and other marketing-like doings to create visitor loyalty and fun base.
Before implementing a conversion, it is important to understand your business structure as well as your Visitors actions. Do you have a site platform that is able to deliver your products in a real-time e-commerce podium? Do you have enough online presence for the success of the conversion?
Before the conversion, you may consider to have a test model, either online or offline to see the response of the clients or customers towards your product. This will prepare you on how to handle the transition.
The conversion may involve some daunting actions. One of the most technical would be the re-development of the site to be able to switch to transactional running. Needless to say, you’ll need to hire a developer to integrate shopping carts, order systems among other essential components. You may also give your site a facelift to give it a more corporate appeal. Don’t forget to get rid of those broken links, spelling errors, broken images, design and script errors. This will go a long way in minimizing visitors’ skepticism.
it is good.