
Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Mix of Online Marketing Strategies Can Boost Your Success Chances

I have seen a number of online marketers putting so much faith into a single approach year come year go, even when they are aware of existence of an alternative technique. While they may be in comfort zone in terms of spending and rate of conversion, they normally lose a chance of leveraging such conversion at a less cost.

If you’re good in striking the luckiest bids in Google Adwords, why wouldn’t you try in Search Engine Marketing, or email marketing? I agree that some approaches would not work in some niches, but when it comes to online marketing, there are always lots of options to pick from; some on modeling or trial basis.

For instance, if you already have a website it is recommended that you spruce it up before throwing some money into paid search placement with ad programmes like Google adwords or Yahoo. The success of most of these online marketing strategies mainly depends on your website or your custom landing page. Websites that are easily navigable and takes little time to load are likely going to have more attention from a visitor than a cluttered site. In fact, some ads agencies will not approve landing pages that do not meet such standards. In other words, your website should be able to sell itself before you implement alternative marketing options.

Some of the online marketing techniques that can fairly run concurrently include blogging and social media marketing. It is possible and recommended that you have a blog in your website where you can interact with your clients. More and more businesses are turning their eyes to social media marketing as it gives a more targeted and cost effective marketing solution, especially to small scale products.

Evidently, these strategies do not in any way ruffle with each other, but rather give a good chance of building your product visibility and eventually increasing your rate of conversion. So you don’t need to stick to your old ways. When it comes to online marketing, it’s never cast on stone.

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